Stanford University
Esteban et al., 2019, Nature Methods
… the overarching objective of this project is to develop NiPreps, a software framework to perform standardized preprocessing of diverse neuroimaging data.
In developing fMRIPrep, we learned about critical aspects of neuroimaging workflows. NiPreps is envisioned as a generalization of fMRIPrep.
Poldracklab (Stanford)
Esteban Lab (CHUV Lausanne)
Milham Lab (Child Mind Inst)
Rokem Lab (UW)
Templates and atlases are commonly used in neuroimaging research
There is significant lack of clarity in the use of these templates
Templateflow provides programmatic access to a database of templates and mappings between them
Easy to use for humans and machines:
Ciric et al., 2022, Nature Methods
Adepimbe et al., 2022, Nature Methods
Preprint: Pisner et al., 2022.
Martin Norgaard, in prep
Mathias Goncalves, in prep
Mathias Goncalves, in prep
Xinhui Li et al., under review
Collaborative QC-Book (educational, ISMRM 2021):
MRIQC-SOPs (standard operating procedures)
MRIQC Protocol report (Hagen et al., in preparation)
Frontiers’ research topic on QC of fMRI (Provins et al., under review)
Biases introduced by defacing in QC (Provins et al., pre-registered report under review)
Thank you!
We are developing an open-source alternative called “migas”, to replace Sentry